Hey people I got a new game! Its Unravel 2 for the PS4. I saw this game at the e3 press conferences and it really sparked my interest. If you dont know this game is a puzzle/platformer where you play as a small yarn character similar to Little Big Planet's sackboy. Since this game is a sequel the creators have added a second yarn character for you to control. Two yarn characters connected by a piece of yarn makes puzzle solving that much more interesting.
I am really enjoying this game so far. This game is 2 player but can be played by yourself to. In this game you have to make it from point A to point B all while manipulating your piece of yarn to get past obstacles. Although there are only 7 levels each level will occupy your attention for quite a while. Also there are 20 bonus challenge levels to complete.
The graphics in this game are awesome. The environment looks so realistic and beautiful. It will make you say "Wow". There is a story in this game that (in my opinion) has nothing to do with the two yarn characters but that shouldnt stop you from getting this game. This game is a must have to add to your game collection.
Well on to the next...
I see why you would like this game. It has you written all over it.